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  • Catit Magic Blue (44305W): I noticed the smell slowly returning. Why is that?
    Answer: Not to worry, this simply means the Magic Blue filter pads need replacing. The pads will keep on absorbing ammonia and foul odors until they’re ...
  • Catit Magic Blue (44305W): Sounds good, but do you have proof?
    Answer: To be absolutely sure that Magic Blue really works, we sent the product to an independent laboratory for meticulous testing, the results of which are ...
  • Catit Magic Blue (44305W): How does Magic Blue work?
    Answer: It’s simple: by developing a unique procedure, we created Magic Blue - a type of sponge with microscopic pores that are perfectly sized for ammonia ...
  • Catit Magic Blue (44305W): I have always used deodorizers and my cat never once complained. Why change now?
    Answer: While chemical deodorizers are often part of our own toilet hygiene, we can’t push our habits onto our pet cats. Cats often suffer the consequences ...
  • Catit Magic Blue (44305W): I installed Magic Blue, but the litter box still smells?
    Answer: Magic Blue is most effective in hooded litter boxes, combined with sensible litter box hygiene. In short, you will get better results if you scoop ...
  • Catit Magic Blue (44305W): Does Magic Blue really work?
    Answer: That’s a good question! In truth, we were equally hesitant when we started testing the first lab samples. As it’s not possible to remove every ...
  • Catit Magic Blue (44305W): What are the immediate health effects of ammonia exposure?
    Answer: Inhalation: Ammonia is irritating and corrosive. Exposure to high concentrations of ammonia in air causes immediate burning of the nose, throat and respiratory tract. This ...
  • Catit Magic Blue (44305W): What is ammonia’s mechanism of action?
    Answer: Ammonia interacts immediately upon contact with available moisture in the skin, eyes, oral cavity, respiratory tract, and particularly mucous surfaces to form the very caustic ...
  • Catit Magic Blue (44305W): What is ammonia?
    Answer: Ammonia (NH3) is one of the most commonly produced industrial chemicals. It is used in industry and commerce, and also exists naturally in humans and ...
  • Catit Grooming Kit: longhaired cats (40010): How can I prevent my cat from shedding a lot?
    Answer: Unfortunately, shedding is a natural process and there is little you can do to stop this. You can, however, partially control where the loose hair ...

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